Updated: 08/03/2017

Approval of an amendment to the economic impact plan previously approved by county and city governments is one of the agenda items for the next meeting of the Board of Directors for the Pulaski/Giles County Industrial Development Board

The IDB will hold a public meeting and hearing August 24th at 8 a.m. at Pulaski City Hall.

The amendment to the economic impact plan approved by the Giles County Commission and Pulaski Board of Mayor and Aldermen is subject of the public hearing. It concerns  approximately six acres on West College Street, adjacent to Walmart in Pulaski, known as The Avenue at Giles. A hotel exists on this piece of property with one or more restaurants and other retail improvements planned.

The IDB Board has incurred $775,000 of tax increment financing as permitted. The amendment to the economic impact plan will extend the time period in which additional tax increments financing may be incurred.

A map of the area may be viewed at 203 South First Street.